Attitude towards the Negroes.
After the independence in America, slavery was considered illegal in the North as they were influenced by the ideas of John Locke that considered all men to be equal and free. The emancipation society in the North wanted to get over the system of slavery. The white Southerners succeeded in strengthening the institution.
Before the Civil War, the North continued to show their disinterest in the practice of slavery while the South continued to support it as it was part of their economy. Several compromises and laws were implemented to keep intact the slavery practices to expand in new territories.
After the Civil War, The South despite being losing the war tried to restrict the movement of African American as they were now freed. The KKK establish to terrorise the blacks. Segregation laws were implemented like Jim Crow Law.
Answer: The Cambrian Period
Although there were several events that gave participation to black people in the governments, these were the most important:
- The Civil Rights Movement in the United States: it was a long, and mainly non-violent, struggle to extend full access to civil rights and equality before the law to groups that do not have them, especially black citizens.
- Little Rock, 1957: Also known as Little Rock Crisis was a key moment in American civil rights movements, following the decision of the Supreme Court in the Brown case, the school committee of Little Rock, Arkansas, voted in 1957 to integrate the school system.