most African Americans Hispanics and Native Americans were denied a part in the prosperity of the 1950s. white flight( movement to the suburbs) increased the number of minorities who lived and dirty crowded slums. Urban renewal involved tearing down Rundown neighborhoods and constructing low income housing.
andrew jackson.
1. george washington (1789-1797)
2. john adams (1797-1801)
3.thomas jefferson(1801-1809)
4.james madison (1809-1817)
5. james monroe (1817-1825)
6.john quincy adams(1825-1829)
7. andrew jackson (1829-1837)
The correct answer is the powers the constitution delegated to it.
During the development of the Constitution, the Anti-federalists were concerned about the size and power of the federal government. Many of these individuals were fearful that a strong federal government would become corrupt, just like Britiain's was before the colonists declared their independence. In order to prevent a tyrannical central government, the Anti-federalists proposed having the federal government only having the powers specifically given to them in the US Constitution.
they need to be willing and intend it
Cuando una nueva familia toma el control, comienza una nueva dinastía. El Mandato del Cielo es lo que los chinos creían que les daba a sus gobernantes el derecho a ser rey o emperador. Significaba que los dioses habían bendecido a esa persona con el derecho a gobernar. Un gobernante tenía que ser bueno y justo para mantener el Mandato del Cielo.