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Answer: it can help you (if you observe well) 1) to get to know yourself better, 2) recognize relating patterns adquired from your own family, 3) leave infantile approach to relationships (we all have tendency to look for someone who will unconditionally satisfy our needs and our ego requirements) and learn to relate as adult (respecting, i.e. respect frontiers of the other and require respect, i.e. learn the other respect your boundaries), 4) leave childish, infantile dependency and become responsible for the kind of relationships we make.
Explanation: in our psyche there is always something what is called "kinship libido" that seduces us again and again to regress, to depend on parenting figures. That is why it is no easy to leave family of origin (leave not only physically but also psychologically).
1. geologic time
2. stratum
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In most states, state offices include: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General, State Supreme Court Justices, Comptroller, Treasurer, State Senators, and State Legislators. These officials are elected by the voters of the districts they serve.