In Southeast Asia, the practice of rice paddies, terrace farming, and planations dominate the agricultural sector. Use of water buffalo and other simple tools are used to plow the land, instead of machines. Water can come from floods. In Thailand, water can come from melting ice from the Himalayan Mountains, which is practical for growing rice, which needs to be submerged. This part of Asia is rugged from mountains. Therefore, terrace farming is used. It is a method that originally developed in China. Steps are made by cutting in the Earth to make flat areas of a mountain so crops can grow.
changes in the earth are similar to the changes of human beings because it evolves at the same time and humans evolve the earth, without it the earth may never change and it will collapse.
If you can't divide the number by 4, then it isn't divisible by 4. Try to divide 24, 8, 12, and 10 by 4. If your result isn't a whole number (like 2.4), then it isn't divisible by 4.