Northern lawmakers were hesitant to go to war with Mexico because in the North people began to question the system as they increasingly viewed it as immoral and believed that it was wrong for person to enslave another. By starting a war with Mexico, they believe that the new territories would create more slave states and perpetuate the system further. Aside from that, President James Polk also wanted to acquire the territories of California, New Mexico and Oregon. Eventually war broke out when American troops to the Rio Grande and Nueces River regard as disputed territories.
The effect of a long tradition of dictators have on a country is that, policy and governance wise, it will become more stable and more consistent because what he or she thinks good for the country is always implemented. The downside of having a dictator is that the things that he think is good might not be good among other people. In other words, abuse of power.
One of Machiavelli's main arguments in The Prince, which was a political treatise published in the 16th century was D. <span>Good leaders sometimes have to be cruel for the overall good of their society. </span>
The dynastic cycle impact society by new ruler unites China, founds a new dynasty, and gains the Mandate of Heaven. China, under the new dynasty, achieves prosperity. The population increases. Corruption becomes rampant in the imperial court, and the empire begins to enter decline and instability