The lyrics in Justin Bieber’s song is it vary’s , I tried my best :) correct me if I’m wrong , I don’t really listen to Justin Bieber that much
What about it? U didn’t add a ?
A connotative meaning is the literal meaning of a word, while a denotative meaning is the figurative meaning of a word.
2. Metaphor
6. Simile
I'm not really sure of the rest but, metaphor is to say something is. Simile is like or as. Hyperbole is like an over exaggeration. It could also be verbal irony which is saying something you don't really mean, but I'm pretty sure that it's Hyperbole. The Lit Devices are: Hyperbole, Foreshadowing, Theme, Dramatic Irony, Verbal Irony, Metaphor, Simile. If you look up the meanings to those it should help. I hope I was helpful somewhat