When you inquire about a credit card charge, then it has no impact on your credit score. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option . Nowhere around the world can there be any rules that can deduct the credit rating of a person for inquiring about a credit card charge. It would be absolutely ridiculous.
I did some research and this what they say
Hope its help ;)
It was positive, because the West had been critical of the war in Afghanistan and could only be satisfied once it was over.
Hope this helped :)
The promise to pass just and equal law was made by the signers of Mayflower Compact was influenced by the Magna Carta.
The Mayflower Compact was a set of self-government rules established by the English settlers who sailed to the New World on the Mayflower. When the Pilgrims and other settlers set sail for America in 1620, they planned to anchor in northern Virginia.
The principle of the rule of law was established by the English Magna Carta, which was written more than 400 years before the Mayflower Compact. In England, this still primarily referred to the king's law. The concept of law made by the people was carried forward by the Mayflower Compact. This concept is central to democracy.
Hence, the correct answer is the “Second” option.
To know more about Mayflower Compact, click here.
ok help is on the way hol up