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-Las redes de área personal (PAN) son redes de computadoras que se utilizan para transmitir datos, un ejemplo común es la conexión de un teléfono móvil a una computadora. Suelen extenderse unos metros alrededor de un cuerpo.
-Una red de área local (LAN) es una red de computadoras que conecta computadoras y dispositivos de red en un área limitada, un edificio, etc. Las redes de área local pueden ser, por ejemplo, en casa, en la oficina y en la escuela. Una red de área local se distingue generalmente de una red de área amplia por una mayor velocidad de transmisión de datos, una menor cobertura geográfica y la necesidad innecesaria de líneas de comunicación de datos pagadas. Las computadoras conectadas a la misma LAN también pueden compartir impresoras y archivos, por ejemplo.
-La Red de Área Metropolitana (MAN) es una red de transmisión de datos que opera en el territorio de una o más ciudades. Por ejemplo, una ciudad y sus barrios más pequeños, u otras ciudades cercanas que han crecido juntas, pueden formarlo.
-WAN es la abreviatura de red de área amplia. Una red de área amplia puede extenderse por un área bastante grande, como un país o un continente. Incluye una colección de máquinas para ejecutar programas de usuario. Estas máquinas se denominan hosts.
1. b) The 14th amendment enabled the government to reinterpret the purpose and usage of the Bill of Rights.
2. c) The Supreme Court used incorporation because states were violating the Bill of Rights.
3. b) Incorporation binds states to the Bill of Rights rather than the Federal Government.
4. c) "When the 14th Amendment was ratified...., it placed limits on the kinds of laws states could pass"
5. d) The incorporation of the 14th amendment may not benefit all Americans equally.
- The Supreme Court has only adopted certain Bill of Rights modifications. They haven't protected all rights against governmental intrusion, so they're not done. C explains the Supreme Court's incorporation, so it's the most correct. The Supreme Court successfully utilized incorporation to stop state Bill of Rights violations.
- In general, incorporation has had a positive impact on American civil rights. As a result, it has ensured that both state and federal governments are held to the same standard in protecting the rights of individuals.
- State and municipal governments were compelled to defend "most liberties included in the Bill of Rights" under the 14th Amendment, which was originally intended for recently freed slaves. There was no need that states comply by the constraints it put on the federal government, as stated above. All of this is accurate. There was a Supreme Court decision that had a major influence on our federalist system that is referenced in this quotation about incorporation. A state's power is limited when it comes to federally protected rights when it comes to enacting an unlawful legislation.
It could be both but if the context is for building civilizations it would be rivers but resources for armies