I think you are referring to this:
1. comparing ideas
as a result she likes pink as a result of being a young lady
2. introducing an example
therefore she likes peanut butter therefore I thought she liked peanuts
3. showing a time relationship
in the same way
They meet in the same way every day before noon
4. showing a space relationship
he lay down beneath the tree
5. using connective phrases
she likes peanut butter and so does he
6. contrasting one idea with another
she likes peanut butter yet he likes turkey
7. using relative pronouns
they meet for a movie than dinner
8. adding an idea
Which sandwich does he want?
9. using subordinating conjunctions
for instance
She likes poetry for instance she loved the poem before her eyes
10. drawing a conclusion
I think that it is hot because I see the steam
Neil Armstring was an American astronaut and he is the first person to walk on the moon
Key Performance Indicator
The scar symbols analysis and the creepers are actually that grow all over the island