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<em>The two primary factors that impact how a well of lava will eject are consistency and gas content. </em>
<em>Both are identified with the arrangement of the magma. </em>Hawaiian volcanoes will in general emit basalt , which is low in consistency and low in gas content (about 0.5 weight percent).
The higher the level of silica substance of magma, the more thick it is. <em>Since a magma with less silica substance is moderately liquid and has a high capacity to stream (low consistency)</em>
Intrusi magma
Intrusi magma dapat memberikan manfaat bagi manusia sebab magma ini ketika keluar menuju permukaan bumi akan menjadi gunung berapi, yang bermanfaat karena menghasilkan tanah vulkanik yang subur. ... Lava dan abu vulkanik dari letusan akan terurai dan menghasilkan nutrisi yang penting bagi tanah
A. The law includes the presumption of innocence and the freedom of speech and religion. The UAE constitution is influenced from Sharia law and though the freedom to exercise one's religion is generally tolerable, any criticism of the government, royal family, police and/or authority will be severely punished, making freedom of speech highly regulated in the country. Gender equality is also emphasized and women are allowed to serve in higher positions of government along with their male counterparts.