Consolidating name geology
Tropical climates are characterized by monthly average temperatures of 18 °C (64.4 °F) or higher year-round and feature hot temperatures. Annual precipitation is often abundant in tropical climates, and shows a seasonal rhythm to varying degrees.
Area. Around the equator, from 23.5° further north to 23.5° southern latitude.
Sun path. Sun at the zenith (90°) at least once per year, never lower than 43°
Average temperature. >20 to 30°C.
Minimal temperature. 0°C (no frost)
Maximal temperature. Up to 40°C (seldom more)
Some light bulbs tend to emit more blue, some are more yellowish or reddish, but you can't always tell just by looking. I'm particularly interested in finding out how much blue light certain light bulbs I have produce.
The down plates of the earthquakes and when the plates hit each other thats when earthquakes occur hope this helped!