Answer: Don’t believe the news. it shows us the problem. it’s not safe it messes up our health. Just see a doctor if your health is bothering you. Doctors tell you everything. We will be better because we will take what is good and not believe in the bad. Example believing in advertising that show goods things about healthy food and exercises.
Which source could best help answer the research question "Does cutting art and music programs impact high school students’ academic success?” The question of the value of art and music programs in Google will help to answer this question. For one thing, art is related to science and many scientists such as geologists have drawn their subject matter ie the rocks very effectively, especially before cameras were developed much. Music is therapeutic and inspirational and can motivate students to strive for more academic excellence.
I have no idea bud but good luck getting your answer
Answer: As this is an opinion, I will say Macbeth.
Macbeth proves to be more evil than Lady Macbeth.
1. While she plays a very devious role as inspiring him to commit the deeds of murder, in the final analysis, Macbeth is the one to commit these acts.
2. While Lady Macbeth does display some level of regret, guilt, or remorse about her actions, Macbeth plunges into a deeper moral abyss with his actions and the depravity they represent. Both characters can fit the label of being evil with their actions and thoughts, Lady Macbeth still had the ability of compassion or even empathy that Macbeth did not possess.