Help American Industries Glow By limiting government expansion, Harding helped create the economic dynamic that led to the roaring 20s, a brisk period of economic growth.
C) Gained followers by forcibly converting American Indians
Probably very stressful and very difficult
Cyclops were wild race of lawless creatures who possess neither social manners nor fear of gods. The Greek god Zeus played a major role as a protector of guests thus embodied the religious obligation to be hospitable to travelers. However cyclops Polyphemus showed lack of Zeus, despite Odysseus' reminders, and refused to honor the travelers' requests.
Their accomplishments is the main contributor of the prosperity.
The fall of the Sui dynasty was induced by the many fails of their military systems and the country being abducted by traitors.
<u>The rise</u>
The Sui created the Grand Canal, which was one of their biggest accomplishments. They had slaves dig a ditch so it would make trading easier, and get around better and more adequately.The Grand Canal was built by slaves who were forced to dig a ditch with just shovels. The Grand Canal was created to assist the Sui with business and shipment. Second, the Sui established granaries. They built the granaries around the capitols and they were created to provide the Sui people with an affordable and stable provision of food. The Sui seemed developed because they had ways to make their food better and more nutritional. The third accomplishment the Sui had was that they assisted in the development of the Great Wall of China. The Sui dynasty just helped in the finalization of the Great Wall which was very significant to the people of China because the great wall provided them with protection from invaders.
<u>The fall</u>
The eventual fall of the Sui dynasty was induced by the many losses of the failed military campaigns against Goguryeo. It was after these massacre and losses that the nation was left in ruins and traitors soon took charge of the government. Emperor Yang was assassinated in 618.