The word tenderness means soft and a feeling of concern and gentleness. It refers to love and affection and warmth.
Whereas sentiments are known as feelings and emotions that one feels and like to show others.
Tenderness can be used as a sentiment because sentiments can be harsh and they can be soft. Sentiments can be positive and they can be negative.
Tenderness would fall when someone is so soft and bleak of heart that they cry when the other cries and feels what the other is going through, either happy or sad.
Juno i think, isn't she the queen of the olympian gods
B. Foreshadowing is like saying on for instance page 4 of a book. "He looked at me, but oh, if looks could <u>kill</u>!"
"Kill, in this instance, fits the context perfectly. HOWEVER, on page 93, if the character dies from that man ^ killing her, which it hinted in the previous pages unknowingly to some, then that is classified as foreshadowing.
Shes the producer and writer, i dont think she plays any characters
Birthday: born August 29, 1958, Gary, Indiana
Death: died June 25, 2009, Los Angeles, California
Hope this helps!