Jackson Pollock said: "It doesn't make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. The technique is just a means of arriving at a statement." For him, the new styles of art are more than techniques to apply and he also uses the Surrealism to suggest different ways to describe the unconscious.
C - English Bill of Rights x
The term The Greatest Generation was popularized by the title of a 1998 book by American journalist Tom Brokaw. ... Brokaw wrote that these men and women fought not for fame or recognition, but because it was the "right thing to do." This cohort is also referred to as the World War II generation.
The delegates placed a similar fugitive slave clause in the Constitution. This was part of a deal with New England states. ... It also resulted in the illegal kidnapping and return to slavery of thousands of free blacks. The three-fifths compromise increased the South's representation in Congress and the Electoral College.
By gaining new knowledge, skills and experience
A worker is most likely to improve their ability to earn a higher income by gaining new knowledge, skills and experience. this is because an improved knowledge about an existing Job will lead to an improve service delivery and this in turn will lead to an increase pay.
Gaining a new skill is very vital in the production industry and other forms of industry because this will make the worker very relevant and essential in his/her workplace. which will improve his ability to earn more as well. acquiring the relevant experience on the job will also improve a worker's ability to earn more