Ozone, which is also known as trioxygen, is a chemically bonded compound, and contains three oxygens.
they are Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ion channels.
Ionotropic acetylcholine receptors are also called nicotinic acetylcholine receptors because beside acetylcholine (Ch) they respond to nicotine. These receptors are primary receptors in muscle for motor nerve-muscle communication that controls muscle contraction.
Two molecules of ACh are required for receptor to open. Since the receptors are linked to ion channels, the channels open. Opening of the channel allows positively charged ions to move across it: sodium enters the cell and potassium exits.
La importancia de la ADN en la celula es que la ADN contiene las instrucciones para construir las proteinas del ADN.
La ADN tambien se puede replicar y hacer copias de ella misma en cual esto es importante porque las celulas se dividen y necesitaran una copia del ADN original para poder crear mas celulas.