College is a lot of money, which most people don't have that much money. If you get a scholarship then it's like all your problems go away. For the lower-class people, they need to work harder than the higher-class because they don't have the same privileged as the others. When you don't have the same privilege as others you need to work harder than the others.
Dat be confusing
I dont like explaining things so yea
Coordinating conjunctions connect phrases or clauses.
- Surveys.
Surveys are described as the research method in which a predefined group is examined, assessed, or evaluated to gather information or insights about concerns or aspects associated with a topic. The potential problem with such a study method is that 'the respondents tend to answer questions in a manner that would look good or what the majority feels instead of communicating their true opinions or feelings about the issue.' Peterson and others(2011) revealed that it indirectly causes a flaw or bias in the conclusion and affects its credibility.