Man stop using this website it doesn't help to use quora
Process questions require more thought and analysis and/or a sharing of opinion. Examples include, 'What skills can you bring to this organisation that the other applicants cannot?
The answer you are looking for is a fixation.
That freed slaves will sexually harass white women
Between 1882-1968, about 3,446 black men were lynched, the reasons given by the whites was that they were trying to protect the women from been sexually harassed by freed slaves. Protection of the white women was accounted to be the third largest reason for lynching of black men.
Answer: True
Inflation rate actual measures an increase in the consumer price index (CPI) which is based on average prices of various goods.
The goods which are considered under inflation are based on whether they fall under the prevalent consumption basket in that country.
The index therefore has various goods based on what goods that country consumes the most some goods are responsible for price increase whilst some for price decrease depending on how heavy does each good weigh on the overall consumption basket of that country.
A price index refers to an average price of particular good or services in a particular region at a certain period.