the last option: Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fried, mashed with butter, and baked with cheese and bacon.
eaten is past tense, so you want the rest of the sentence to be written in past tense: fried, mashed, and baked
The answer would be ¨organize delegates at the Women's Rights Convention in 1848¨.
it was her goal.
The Ball Poem” is a very subtle and beautiful poem about a little boy’s growing up. The poet sees this little boy one day when he has just lost his ball. The loss of his ball is teaching him that in life, we often lose things and they cannot be easily replaced. Such lessons are a part of growing up, and everyone has to learn them at some point in time or the other. However, it is painful for the poet to watch the boy in his sad state. He is sure that the ball, as well as the person who whistles by the boy, feels the same way as he does.
When getting the writing prompt. Write down ideas and then begin the rough draft
the author needs to get the best information about the hero to explain something about him