They interpreted it so that people are allowed to have weapons even if they're not associated to a militia or the army or the police force and can use them for self defense. The legislation that prohibited people from having weapons or that forced them to keep them unloaded and in pieces was determined to be unconstitutional and people were allowed to have weapons if they wanted to have them.
In a piece, the volta is the turn of thought or contention: in Petrarchan or Italian works it happens between the octave and the sestet, and in Shakespearean or English before the last couplet.
Italian work utilizes a volta toward the start of a sestet to present a differentiating thought.
The Petrarchan or Italian piece, named after the fourteenth century Italian artist Petrarch, has the rhyme conspire ABBAABBA CDECDE. Variation rhyme plans for the sestet likewise incorporate CDCDCD and CDEDCE. There is normally a delay or break in thought between the octave and sestet called the volta, or turn.
It effects it because god said he dosen't like liars and it is one of the ten comandments also being truthful with god it will benifit for the good And you will start reciving good things like money everything you've be carrying you will get lighter.
I think I spelt some stuff wrong sorry.
The United States wanted to promote democracy throughout the world, while the USSR wished to spread a single-party system.