Venetian explorer, Marco Polo, told his cellmate during his imprisonment after the Venetian-Genoese War about his travels to the Far East. These accounts became a book , later entitled "The Travels of Marco Polo" which was influential in sparking people's curiosity of the East.
The first impact was that Marco Polo was able to bring elements of Western culture to the East and Eastern culture back to the West. Because of his exploration Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and India, China began to experience Western culture.
Next, Marco Polo's interactions with Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan led to commercial exchange with Western merchants who were now arriving in China. This increased Chinese's growth as a civilization.
The Silk Road, an easier route to travel around the Gobi Desert, traced by the Polos had a huge effect in the future of European and Chinese interaction. It would prove to be a more effective route than to sail the oceans to China.
One of the primary consequences of the railroad in the United States was the creation of a system by which goods could easily be moved east to west, opening new sections up that were previously only accessible by horse or on foot.
a. Due to the dictator system of the worker's party, citizens do not get enough to eat, partially due to the fact that the country is poor and cannot properly sustain itself, as well as the fact that the country has a ton of sanctions and can't import and export many things.
b. After the Soviet Union collapsed, North Korea stopped getting help from the nation, causing widespread famines. This eventually caused the life expectancy to drop by a lot. The communism system unevitably causes famines, but I won't talk about the communist systems here.
At night, South Korea is seen as a bright star with a lot of electricity. However, North Korea doesn't have much of this. This is because North Korea is significantly poorer, due to the Worker's Party system and other factors, and this is why only rich cities which house the top elites have electricity. The people in the countryside working in farms are horribly poor.
When the Soviets took the north of Korea, and NATO took the south, very different systems were implemented, and as North Korean dictators slowly shifted away from democracy and into a monarchy-like suppressive system, North Korea became poorer and poorer as the leaders became a lot richer.
The Declaration of Independence is the best example of Social Contract Theory. Jefferson's statement "<span>whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it" is one of the many statements that embody the idea. Much of the philosophy surrounding and within the Declaration comes from John Locke. </span>