Crustal plate movement occurs because the Earth's mantle flows as a result of uneven heating inside the mantle. Convection cells
are created by very hot material deep in the mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again, and then heating again and then repeating the cycle. This process occurs because of the energy generated by _________________ within the Earth.
The energy is generated by the semi-molten core of the earth which drives the convection currents in the mantle and which causes the plates to move in plate tectonics. James Hutton was the first geologist to intepret that the plutonic rocks on surface like granite were once molten.
Take the temperature readings on the hour for a 24-hour period. Add the hourly readings together, then divide that number by 24 to get the mean daily temperature.
Explanation: According to "What we call the ozone hole is a thinning of the protective ozone layer in the stratosphere (the upper layer of Earth's atmosphere) above Antarctica that begins every September. Chlorine and bromine derived from human-produced compounds are released from reactions on high-altitude polar clouds."