Online dating can be in like a game you might not even now the person they can be like twice your age! But a distance relationship you know who they are because you can call them or face time and text them and send pictures of yourself to them. You need to know them for a long time so you can trust them because they might be cheating but if you know them for a long time you would know if they would cheat or not and for online dating it dosnt matter if you know the person for a long time they can be cat fishing you or lieing to you and a little extra you should be a long distance relationship then a online relationship. Hope this helps!
They are appointed by the president
Weakened the power of the nobles by excluding them from his councils, while increasing the power of government agents called attendants, who collected taxes and administered justice. He believed that as with the sun, all power radiated from him and his power, like that of the sun.
Its kinda confusing maybe try putting a pic to understand better