The correct answers are:
How am I protected as an investor?
What guarantees are in place so I make money?
What taxes will I have to pay on this investment?
How do the risks compare to the potential gains?
What are the chances that the investment will fail?
These are the kind of questions every investor should ask himself before beginning to invest. You must know the risks you run before investing, inform yourself about the taxes you could pay, the profits you can receive and how your investments can fail.
You shouldn't be guided by investments your friends make, but rather follow advice from a financial advisor or other qualified investors.
It is also better that you study before making an investment, so you can get more out of it.
More economic growth
The government has three sources of income: taxation, debt, and currency printing.
Economic growth would help increase income in with each of the three sources.
More economic growth means that people and firms are earning more money, therefore, they can be taxed more.
If the country has a high growth rate, it's credit rating will probably be good, and obtaining debt will probably be cheaper and easier.
If the economy is growing, the central bank can print more money without causing excessive inflation.
The Congress of the United States in fact retains most of the power in these two areas relative to the President and the individual states, with Congress having the power to declare war and confirm ambassadors appointed by the President.
Imprisonment and forced labor
Another hallmark of North Korea’s authoritarian society has been imprisoning supposed spies, putting them on show trials and often subjecting them to unforgiving harsh labor.
As many as 120,000 people are held in North Korean political prison camps, according to UN estimates, where they’re believed to receive little food and medical care but plenty of abuse.
Similar to the Nazi's who held the Jews, and other persecuted, to work camps, working till they die...