Las principales actividades económicas del virreinato fueron la minería, la agricultura (maíz, cacao y otros productos originarios de la antigua Mesoamérica), la ganadería (introducida por los europeos, quienes trajeron la mayor parte de los animales criados) y el comercio (limitado únicamente a las posesiones ...
A "rational" use would mean a compromise between different interest and would also take into account scientific knowledge. Therefore neither a complete ban or unconditional permission on lumbering are rational.
A correct answer is
D. National forests should be protected to make the best use of the nation's natural resources.
<h2>B. Simón Bolívar </h2>
Was influenced by political ideology of liberalism which was gaining increasing ideology of liberalism which was gaining increasing influence in Western Europe and parts of the Atlantic world in 1750- 1850 period
- " the liberator" a proponent of the republican government, led liberation of Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador, which joined into gran Columbia
the out come of the vietman is