d. gadflies
In his famous letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:
<em>“...we must see the need of having nonviolent </em><em>gadflies </em><em>to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood”</em>
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Gadfly is an established metaphor for the person that doesn’t take the status quo as such and tries to bring the change and the novelty into the society, usually by standing up to the authorities in the process.
Using the gadfly metaphor, King expresses the importance of standing up to the established rules of the society and<u> creating tension that has to end up in change</u>. The tension he calls for is <u>nonviolent and interference to the authority</u>, but impossible to ignore. <u>He is, therefore, calling for nonviolent civil disobedience that will challenge the racial prejudices, and finally abolish them.</u>
Who then may trust the dice, at Fortune's throw?. Apex
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Love is a very special thing that people pursue with one another. Whether it is with friends, family, or romantic love it can all be complicated. Especially with "false actions." Often we feel inadequate and make up for it, often by pretending to be something we're not. <em>True </em>love is very special and, personally, I think it is when you can completely be yourself. Where none of you is hidden, where there is nothing "fake." But getting there can be a long journey, especially with "false actions."
Suppose you meet someone and are posing as something you're not. Suppose you continue to spend time with them, and fall in love. All the while you've been posing as something you're not. You want to tell them but you fear they might lose interest or fall out of love. Now you are in a very complicated situation all because of "fake actions."
I don't know if this is what you were looking for and I hope it helps.