<span>Antibacterial soap may have harmful effects.
The best way to determine the main idea of the text after reading it is to think about what you would tell her friend the passage is about. Then, if you have choices, decide which choice best matches. In this passage, it gives two ways in which antibacterial soap can be harmful. It can kill good bacteria, and its constant use can contribute to drug resistance.
Something that is necessary is 'needed'.
A metaphor draws a sharper comparison than a simile. A metaphor is a figurative language that describes an object by comparing the object with another unrelated thing. It does not give the object its literal meaning. It is usually expressed in a phrase or clause by associating two things that are unrelated to make meaning. For example, when someone says Brian has a river valley knowledge in Mathematics.
Because of, due to, consequently, if then, since, so, thus, as a result, therefore.