1. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t not eat meat, fish and sometimes other animal products for moral, religious or health reasons.
2. Vegetables are good because they don’t have cholesterol which can lead to cardiovascular disease. They also have many nutrients including potassium, fibre etc. They can help maintain healthy blood pressure.
3. Being a vegetarian helps the environment by reducing the amount of meat consumption and this can lead to more healthy growth of plants since there are less animals to eat them.
4. If the school forced students to eat more vegetables, this may be a violation against their human rights but it does help them gain their daily nutrients and helps them grow.
Oedipus' self-inflicted blindness symbolizes his foolishness and inability to see clearly what stood before him. Famed for his commonsense and clear thinking, Oedipus has been revealed all too human. Blinding himself is his way of taking responsibility for his part in his father's death and a symbol of new found wisdom. ;)
A. A criminal act is undesirable, but given a situation is justifiable.
1. how did some hero's get their power from
2. do some hero's have to earn their power
3. do some hero's get born with their parents powers ?