A claim made to rebut a previous claim
It's very important to save time to revise and edit your writing because, if you don't you're going to make major mistakes in your writing. If you don't re-read your writing piece you could miss major spelling mistakes, and errors. You would never want to publish or hand something in that has a lot of errors, because if you do you could get a bad grade or even get fired. You always should proofread to make sure people can understand your writing and make sure they can read it without difficulty.
Biological families are related by blood. Voluntary families it means a non-biological parents is a legal parent to a child.
The father and mother whose DNA a child carries are usually called the child’s biological parents. Legal parents have a family relationship to the child by law, but do not need to be related by blood
The past tense of cost is usually “cost”.
Very rarely is the past tense “costed” used, it’s more common to just say cost.
The correct answer among the choices provided is option A. Putting punctuation marks at the end of each sentence is an example of a grammar rule. A grammar is a set of standard rules about composition in a language. Some fields under grammar are morphology, phonetics, and syntax.