In the Neolithic Era, they learned to change the environment through planting crops. It all transformed from being small hunter-gatherers to a more organized way of production with the participation of every member in the community. They learned to plant crops and divide other more tasks fort their communities
After the collapse of Rome, the Church played a vital role in society. In part, it was one of the few ties that people had to a more stable time. The Church provided leadership and, at times, even organized the distribution of food. Monasteries, or communities of monks, provided hospitality to refugees and travelers.
A. to stop Mexican attacks against US territory
Polk had declared that the Mexican advance was an invasion onto US territory, and on May 11, 1846, he asked Congress to declare war on Mexico. It was made official two days later, on May 13.
The US Gov't launched a series of investigations against all 205 "members of the communist party"