The policies of colonial states change the economic lives of
their subjects through forced labors by which it was considered to have the
greatest impaction cultures in the colonized areas of the world. It is because the
forced labor sometimes was based on the amount of the service of the state,
wherein others include additional percentage of the land which were cultivated.
In addition, colonization is the exploitation of the resource that includes the
why it happned how it happend who started it why start it
1-John Deere’s plow
2-farmers no longer needed to harvest hand (McCormick’s reaper)
3-more cotton could be processed more quickly (Whitney’s cotton gin)
It put alot of debt and restrictions to the german country and their people, stripped them of their territories and made them pay for war damages across europe while they were dealing with an economical collapse of their own within. as you can imagine this was impossible to get out of plus having to deal with an unbelievable homeless and jobless rate in germany. This all set the stage for Adolf Hitler to power in germany, and with the german people's support.