The body of water south of Kuwait is The Persian Gulf
Answer: No, government services could create inflation, which decreases the purchasing power of consumers.
Expansionary fiscal policy is when the government expands the money supply in the economy. It can either increase government spending or cut taxes. This provides consumers and businesses more money to spend.
The purpose of expansionary fiscal policy is to boost economic growth. It is used when the government wants to reduce unemployment, increase consumer demand, and avoid a recession. If the recession has already occurred, it seeks to end it.
The policy comes with some risks. High inflation is one of the most common ones. There is also a time lag between when a policy move is made and when it works its way through the economy, which makes analysis difficult.
Morgan breeds and sells snakes. he knows that he can make the most money by breeding and selling albino snakes. albinism is a recessive trait. his female albino corn snake just produced six offspring. two displayed normal coloration and four were albino. what is the chance that another offspring produced by the same parents will be albino? There will be Fifty percentage chance of the snake having another offspring produced by the same parents to be albino
The answer is D. Realignment, good luck on your test!