Okay. So. For questions 8-9 I need more context.
10. H dude and the Cyclopes were imprisoned in Tarturaus. (Basically hell)
11. Gaia plotted with her children to overthrow the Titan lord (her husband)
12. Aphrodite was technically born from what they threw into the sea.
Start with some thing like ex:bfamily isnt always what you think it is the write number paragraphs and last write a conclusion
There is often confusion on what good engineering managers and leaders should do. Engineering Management is sometimes conflated with architecture and code delivery, where communication, people and culture take a backseat. Engineering Management is NOT about architecture and implementation. While the engineering team proposes, influences and evolves the architecture of products that deliver to a Company's vision, the true ownership of the architecture and implementation lies with the Company. It delicately rests on the fabric of communication between the various functions within the Company such as Sales, Sales Engineering, Support, Services, Product, Operations and in some cases Education Services and Community Enablement. Engineers themselves are the implementers that bring it to life. And Engineering management is the ENABLER that helps bridge the thousand gaps between various teams and Engineering.
I like to go to SLEEP when I get home from a long day.
I SLEEP when I'm bored or tired.
I have to SAY you are very nice.
I know how to SAY blue in Spanish.
I will HAVE to finish it tomorrow.
I HAVE five dollars.
I will PUT a toy car on my Christmas list.
I can PUT my legs over my head.
I can BRING you some snacks.
I will BRING you your phone.
I GO to school.
I GO to fun places with my friends.
I can DO anything.
I can DO a cartwheel.
I want you to COME to my party.
I will COME to your house.
I DREAM about monsters.
I DREAM sometimes about good memories.
I LOOK LIKE my mom.
I also LOOK LIKE my dad.
(I put the words in big letters so you get mixed up)
When keeping track of source information during the research process, the following information should be gathered:
- The author's name
- Title of the piece, publication, or website
- Publisher
- Copyright date
- Date accessed
- The location of the source
- The volume
- The issue
- The edition
- The page number