Answer:Relaxed mind set
If your approach your exam with a relaxed mind it is likely that your mind will be highly productive because you can be able to recall the information that you studied effectively.
A relaxed mind is free from anxiety and fear and it is very likely that you will not panic when you are in your relaxed mode.
we people save money to be secure for future because in this time people are giving more importance to money rather than love , relationship and people
#which is very baad
Social Anthropology means the study of human behavior. Apart from this, we have cultural and linguistic anthropology. And we need to understand the term power. When He-Man says, " I have the power." He means he has the personality and ability to influence certain events and its outcome, which might be negative as well though it should always be positive to ensure safe conditions for humanity. Some humans get the power from God through a lot of hard work or worship. Remember, worship is not that easy. And some are given the power by government, which some from any private firm. Now Social Anthropology is all about the study of behavior. And they talk quite a lot about the power, as general civilians seldom harm or do better even for society. And the people who do either of these have the power of one sort out of the above mentioned. This is the reason why Anthropologists always examine power.
Please check the answer.
The type of communication that portrays Xavier and Yolanda’s
situation of solving the fight or conflict by having to accept their arguments
is a way of volatile. This is a type of communication where individuals
involved came to accept and realize their doings and faults.