1. I was surprised because when ...(insert what surprised you) because i was not expecting for that to happen or something like that lol
Answer:that’s what i wanna know
Her first fact is that only low food yields and poor people can be produced through the use of Traditional agricultural practices. Also traditional practices cannot be used to feed people in Africa in the near future as a result of growing population.
Her opinion is that America and other developed countries should provide Africa with the necessary biotechnology for agriculture so as to prevent suffering and starvation.
Her first fact is that only low food yields and poor people can be produced through the use of Traditional agricultural practices. Also traditional practices cannot be used to feed people in Africa in the near future as a result of growing population.
Her opinion is that America and other developed countries should provide Africa with the necessary biotechnology for agriculture so as to prevent suffering and starvation.
She includes her opinion so that it would be possible for Africa to find a means to sustain agricultural production and the environment.
Wish I can swim
Wish she plays better future
NGA wishes to study abroad next year
Tam wishes to pass the Physics exam
NGOC wishes never to see cats