Miss Leno is waiting for Jason to thank Maggie.
In the story, <em>Anything But Typical</em> by Nora Raleigh Baskin, the narrator of the story is a 12-year old autistic boy named Jason. The story revolves around his life who finds some hope and understanding from PhoenixBird, a person he met online who usually posts stories in the same site that he does.
In chapter 2, we are told that Jason's usual computer has been used by a girl named Maggie. She did not want to leave nor does Jason want to use the other computers. And after a while, she was compelled to leave by Aaron Miller who Jason used to be friends with. And after that, Maggie left but even after Jason got the computer, Miss Leno doesn't leave. She said <em>"I am sure Jason appreciates it very much"</em> to Maggie, in an attempt to make Jason say thank you to Maggie. And when Jason doesn't, for he is still busy trying to log in to his Storyboard page, Jason mentions <em>"has not walked away the way she should. She is still standing nearby"</em>. This shows that she expects Jason to thank Maggie for giving up the library computer seat to Jason.
Idek this makes no sense. Sorry, but your on your own
Answer: Same
I just dont understand the answers they be giving us
I cant rn But Whats your user like to play a different time. :)
The letter was calm and restrained.
Tension between the United States and Russia, formerly known as the Union of Soviet Socialists States were on the rise. From the rocket race, to the missiles race, the tensions between the two countries kept escalating. In the wake of the events, one of the potentially dangerous events was the Cuban missile crisis. Russia thought to build a missile base in Cuba. This would present a great danger to the US. In the letter, Kennedy is tentative in his approach. He exercises restraint. In fact, in one of the lines he says, "...I recognize Mr. Chairman, that it was not I who issued the first challenge in this case..." The president distances himself from the provocations that had been sent his his predecessors.