i believe complete sentences
sorry if im wrong
She hopes her daughter is a "fool" because she doesn't want her daughter to know that she deserves better than what the world will give to her. Men are seen above women so the best thing a woman can be is beautiful because her husband will treat her better than if she were viewed as ugly. Being beautiful would also help her to get a husband in a better wealth class. Daisy knows how cruel the world can be towards women
Here is an example and you can just change the words:
"I can’t ever know what flowers they gave her,
on that brittle coffin,
Because those flowers belonged in the garden she made,
(That after they let grow wild and seething)
And kept in her eyes was a kindness worth more than what fate gave her,
That broken body, untrustworthy spine
And I hope she looked through her garden
One last time
Before they gave her to the roots"
As emperor, Justinian made great reforms in the areas of law, urban development, and conquest. His Justinian Code curbed bureaucratic corruption in the empire for centuries. Theodora was a partner in these reforms and convinced Justinian to reform the roles and responsibilities of women in the empire.