Let us first define what is euphoria. Euphoria is when an individual experiences pleasure or excitement. This is when a person also feels intense feelings of well-being and happiness. When you have this feeling, you are having the best time of your life. There are already a lot of references that directly relate exercise and happiness. One reference says that being fit really has a huge impact on our mental health, moods and happiness. Take another basis which says that getting yourself a workout routine will make you take of your mind from all the worries and stress of out of your busy life. Eventually, this will then for sure create happiness.

The formula for apparent brightness is given by the next inequation:

Where B equals apparent brightnes, L equals luminosity and D equals distance.
SO we just have to clear distance from the formula and are left with the inequation to calculate distance:

provide evidence supporting the existence of a need to be met by the research proposed in the grant.
Community forums are essential to promote the funding of community projects and social research. The community forums are responsible for helping those responsible for the projects to identify and list evidence, within the project, capable of highlighting the importance of funding so that the proposals presented by the project are met. In addition, community forums show how the completion of the project will be able to promote progress and benefits to the community, highlighting the importance of funding.
the answer is c) the scientific study of the ocean, its associated life-forms, an sits bordering lands.