Thre were a lot of men in the army but not enough money to arm, clothe, and feed them all.
One advantage of the struggle was the introduction of rations. Food was served out in rations and people got no more or no less than what they needed. Less food was wasted and more was available to the American Army.
One disadvantage was inflation. Things were so overpriced to pay for army supplies that the $1 was essentially worthless then.
Answer: In I Ching, one of the earliest Chinese writings cites the use of oil in its raw state without refining was first discovered, extracted, and used in China in the first century BC. In addition, the Chinese were the first to use petroleum as fuel as early as the fourth century BC.
For me it's definitely SCP-343!!!!!!!
A microhistorian might document one day in a town that experienced particularly high unemployment levels, while a comparative historian might graph unemployment levels in several cities throughout the Great Depression