Able, ible,ous so i hope this helps
A non fiction is a story that is true and isn't made up. An IRA book is a book where you've mastered accelerated reader and now earning a new level.<span />
You can make a schedule. The use of a schedule will help you organize what you have to do. A schedule helps you keep track of what you should do for the day and make it less stressful than doing everything at once.
Hope this helps!
Ambidextrous able to use both hands with equal ease
• ambiguity something that does not have a clear meaning
• ambition (1) a specific goal or aim
(2) is apart of ambition.) (2) a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous
• ambivalence (1) simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something or
• ambience (1) the feeling or mood of a specific place
• amphibian (1) an animal that can live both on land and water
• amphibious (1) able to be used both on land and in water
• amphitheater (1) a large building or outdoor space with seats in curved, raised rows around an open space
• ambulance (1) a vehicle specially equipped for transporting injured or sick
people, especially in an emergency
• instructions (1) a statement that tells the reader how to do something
Hope this helps
Radhe radhe
1984 is a novel that deals with the issues of totalitarian government. George Some of the examples we may fin in Orwell's work are:
- Individuals have <u>no privacy</u>, because they are watched at all time, even in their homes. Even inside the apartment, Winston, the main character, is well aware that the Big Brother and the telescreens are watching.
- The creation of institutions like "Thoughtcrime" that are in charge of <u>spying for the government</u> so as to make sure no individual is acting outside the Big Brother's law.
- <u>Propaganda</u> and programs like the "Two Minutes Hate" one that unify the society's emotion so that the government can control them all.