In mark twains piece of literature, the invalids story, irony is repeatedly used
- they don't want to get sick from the smell, but they eventually get sick from the coldness
- dramatic irony; the responder knows that a bag of cheese was left on the box, but the two men in the train don't know this
I agree. there will always be struggles but as long as you stay positive and keep moving forward, tomorrow will be better
My mom went to school at Mess High School.
I'm not sure but I'm doing this too
The famous tragedy play 'Macbeth" by William Shakespeare takes place in Northern Scotland around the 11th century C.E. The plot revolves around a courageous Scottish general called Macbeth who was prophesized by the witches that he would soon become a noble and then eventually the king of Scotland.
The play involves numerous skirmishes and wars fought by Macbeth with his enemies within the territory of Scotland in an attempt to rule the land and its people. However, it ends tragically with the death of Macbeth. Thus, the answer is Scotland.