The uninsured people affects the entire country or more specifically, the insured ones by:
1. Insured people will less likely have a low regular source of care and the benefits befitting those who are insured. several of them are provided with delayed care
2. Insured people will feel unsatisfied of the services they receive because they are not the ones who are focused, instead the uninsured ones.
The insured people are the ones who will suffer a lot compared to uninsured ones.
Having millions of uninsured Americans can cause serious problems. For example, uninsured people may not get regular checkups and may not go to the doctor when they get sick, so they might develop serious illnesses. Uninsured people tend to use emergency rooms instead of maintaining their health through preventive care with a regular physician. Emergency rooms and hospital care can be very expensive, while preventive care can help people avoid serious illness and costly hospital bills
It created a barrier between the United States territory to the east of the river and English territory to the west. It connected them directly to the French in New Orleans, their biggest supporters during the war.