Since the mid 20th century there has been a series of treaties and multilateral agreements between European countries which have led to the European Union as we know it today.
It all started as a commercial agreement to remove trade barriers for specific goods, and in 1951 the European Coal and Steel Community was created. The next step was the constitution of the European Economic Comunity (EEC) for free trade and the EURATOM Treaty to reach an agreement about nuclear energy. So far, the agreements only work towards economic integration.
But in was in 1992, in the Maastricht Treaty or Treaty of the European Union where the monetary union was designed, and also the fundamentals of the political integration of this club of countries, such as the citizenship and the common foreign and internal affairs policy. The Parliament started to have decision power.
In 1997, the treaty of Amsterdam reformed the institutions for the arrival of new countries, and the same did the Treaty of Nice whose purpouse was to enable proper functioning with 25 member states.
The last agreement was the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, with the objective of making the Union more democratic, giving more power to the supranational institutions and deciding which issues were left to each countries goverment and which others should be decided by the UE institutions. Nowadays the UE is formed by 28 states.
The range consists exclusively of one or more isolated values. it can be described as "intervals."
<h3>What is intervals?</h3>
An interval is a range of numbers that includes all of the real numbers that exist between two given numbers.
Some key points related to intervals are-
- You may recognize, real numbers can be pretty much any number: 4.26, 17, √7, -0.257, π, etc.
- When the meteorologist predicted that there might be at least 3 inches of snow but no more than 8 inches, he characterized the snowfall amount in intervals!
- Inequalities, a numeric line, or interval notation can all be used to write intervals!
- There are special methods to indicate whether or not the given two numbers, recognized as endpoints, are within the interval.
- Math inequalities are represented by the symbols less than, less than or equal to, greater than, & greater than or equal to.
To know more about the intervals, here
Mixed or a specialized economy but I think it’s mixed .
Oh well sorry for you too