The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 both had to do with states that wanted to enter the U.S. California entered the Union as a free state. The Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 both created controversy when the tried to enter the Union.
The compromise also included a more stringent Fugitive Slave Law and banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C. The issue of slavery in the territories would be re-opened by the Kansas–Nebraska Act, but many historians argue that the Compromise of 1850 played a major role in postponing the American Civil War. What did Stephen Douglas try to accomplish with the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854? ... (A) Douglass tried to build a railroad and promote western settlement. This was no more successful than the Compromise of 1850.
What do you mean by that?
They were hunters and trappers who increased trade in the US and it motivated others to move west.
Because European Union was created.
- The Treaty on European Union, often referred to as the Maastricht Treaty, was signed on 7 February 1992 and entered into force on 1 November 1993.
- On the basis of this Treaty, the Member States established the European Union and thus marked a new stage in the integrating "the people of Europe into an ever firmer union, in which decisions are made as close as possible to the citizens."
- The Treaty establishes a European Union consisting of three pillars: the Community Pillar, a common foreign and security policy and cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs (today police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters), sets the goals of economic and monetary union, establishes EU citizenship, Community competence introduces social policy and integrates trans-European networks, industrial policy, consumer protection, education, youth and culture into common policies.
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You would measure the length of a jump rope in feet