I am not 100% on this so you may want to fact check my response:
Lusitana - it was torpeded by German U-Boats and it sank in 18 minuntes... i also believe it was a passenger ship which also really upset the US
submarine- new
The natural feature that divided Spanish territory from British Territory after the French and Indian war was the Appalachian Mountains,after a line was drawn along them to allow for peaceful settlement among both parties.
The battle of lexington and concord showed that the colonists were going to do anything for their freedom, including go to war with Great Britan. They were also the first shots of the revolutionary war.
A leader goes against the will of the people
A totalitarian government is one in which the government seizes absolute control of the life of citizens, and suppresses their free will because it seeks to achieve a specific goal. The totalitarian government harnesses all means and resources to achieve its goals. Anything or anyone not aligning with the same purpose is condemned and most times punished. Peoples previous belief system could become suspected by the government if they feel that these do not align with their goals.
A resultant effect of this type of government is the fact that the leader does not consider the will of the people and things are done in a forceful manner. An example of this type of government is Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler.
The crew themselves only gave the mission a fifty-fifty chance of fully succeeding. Upon returning to Earth, Borman received a telegram from a stranger commenting on the mission's outcome by simply stating: “Thank you Apollo 8. You saved 1968.”