DR. Ram Baran Yadav (born 4 February 1948) is a Nepalese politician and physician who served as the first President of Nepal following the declaration of a republic in 2008. He served as the Nepalese President from 23 ...
Missing: social media)
<h2>I HOPE IT'S HELP </h2>
My hero would be Dhar Man due to the fact his videos or so inspirational and he just makes a difference in peoples lives. He is able to give something back to world in postive way. He made a video on body shaming and I never understood that sometimes we do it without realizing that were doing it. Now seeing this makes me what to make a difference not only with this but other things to.
I hope this is what it asked for!!
When your dealing with questions like this usually there's more then one answer. In this case there is none. When they throw questions like the one above there testing you to see if you went through the passage and understood why people were feeling a certain way.
When you try to figure that out its usually best to re-read the passage and look for detail words. For example: anger, distrustful. In this case those words Leave you with C. I hope that helps you out!