If you're looking for something easy you can write about without much effort, write about your own interests or personal experience.
If you want something that will have a "One right answer" respond to literature
IF you want to do something creative write a story or rap
The meaning conveyed by the morpheme chron- in each of the words listed: chronology, chronicle. chronic and chronogram means, TIME. The word "chron-" comes from the Greek word "khronos" meaning time. Chronology means the arrangement of dates of events in order. Chronicle means a record of a series of events. Chronic means persistent and chronogram means time writing.
Why is the census so important? The results are used to determine how much funding local communities receive for key public services and how many seats each state gets in Congress. State and local officials also use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional, state legislative, and school districts.
The correct answer is: [A]:
"People will not get ahead if they do not study."
Note that one (1) feature of an "adverb clause" is that an "adverb clause" must begin with a "subordinating conjunction".
The only answer choices provided that meet this criterion are:
Choice: [A]: "People will not get ahead if they do not study."
In this sentence, there is a "subordinating conjunction"— which is—" if ".
Choice: [C]: " Because of the defensive driving lessons, I am probably a better driving today ".
In this sentence, there is a "subordinating conjunction"
— which is—"Because" .
Note the other criteria for "adverb clauses" — as follows:
1) Adverb clauses are "modifiers".
2) Adverb clauses contain both a subject AND a verb.
3) Adverb clauses, on their own, do not form complete sentences.
Consider: Choice: [C]:
"Because of the defensive driving lessons, I am probably a better driving today."
→ Note: Since the particular clause beings with the "subordinating conjunction—"Because" (in this case) — consider the phrase:
"Because of the defense driving lessons" ;
→ This is NOT an "adverb clause". An "adverb clause" must contain BOTH a "noun" AND a "verb"— and this particular clause does NOT contain a "verb".
Rule out "Choice: [C] " .
"Choice: [A]: "People will not get ahead if they do not study."
→ <u>Note</u>: Since the particular clause beings with the "subordinating conjunction"—" if " (in this case) — consider the phrase:
" if they do not study ."
→ Note the following:
1) This clause contains BOTH a "noun" —which is: "they" (a subject pronoun referring to "people"); AND a "verb" —which is: "do [not] study" .
2) This clause modifies "people" .
3) This clause is a NOT a sentence if it stands alone.
Thus; this very answer choice: "Answer choice: [A]:
→ "People will not get ahead if they do not study."
→ is the only sentence —
(among the answer choices provided) —
that: 1) is an "adverb clause" ; AND:
that: 2) is the correct answer.
A, to hit something if you really want to