The theme for this story could be that if you work hard enough, you can leave your troubles and problems behind. The theme could also be that if you try too hard to avoid danger , than you might put yourself in more of it.
1. A. He thinks that Hamlet mourns too much.
2. B. There is tension between them.
An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun beside it..
Example:<u>Ms Farah</u> is my teacher. <u>She</u> is from
Katniss and Rue remain up to steal there food/supplies. Rue will set a fire to distract the careers while Katniss was to go destroy the supplies. but upon her staking out the items while the careers run to the fire source, Katniss realizes there are land mines placed around the supplies, so she shoots a bag of apples with an arrow and watches the fiery explosions from the impact of the mines.
For me;
B is correct because....when you say identity must be earned, not chosen...
Which is one, shouldn't allow people to chose your identity for work hard for what you want to be known as.....
C is also correct because....yes you have to be r
true to their dreams....
Just like what Herman don't give up on your dreams because of what people say....
So yeah, that what i think....