A. Don’t just accept traditional knowledge about how the natural world works—experiment and observe the results.
Scribes were extremely important in Sumerian society since they were needed to transcribe everything that was written, because this was before the time of the printing press (which made duplication of such documents are easier).
1.The arrest and death of Philip Nolan 2.Grito de Dolores
3.Father Hidalgo is executed
4.The Gutierrez-Magee Expedition 5.The Republican Army captures Nacogdoches
6.José Bernardo Gutiérrez declares Texas independent from Spain
7.The Republican Army loses to General Joaquin de Arredondo
8. James Long declares Texas independent from Spain
Because of new rights
Said that everyone deserved liberty, equality, fraternity, and brotherhood
Basically what this meant is that all men should be created and treated equally
that is C alcohol or drug abuse