A contour line is a line of 'equal height': every point on a contour is the same height above sea level.
The closer any two contour lines are the steeper the hill is: and the further apart they are the move level the ground.
If a group of contour lines suddenly move to form a V shape then the hill either has a promontory sticking out from it or a valley in it.
C. The area of the US doubled
The answer is the parent material. Parent material is what occurs on the surface before soil begins to form. This is found in new environments such as after a volcanic activity. Pioneers organisms of an ecosystem and abiotic elements of weathering such as water and temperatures begin to weather the rocks into smaller particles, Humus and organic matter from life accumulate with the minute rock particles to form soil over time. The topmost soil is the most developed and this is why soil has profiles towards the deep into the parent rock material, depending on the stage of weathering.
C. Ways to reduce cost of production
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