Pros: First of all it is community that can make or break it for me, be it University days, my early career in Toronto or living in the middle of the ocean. I have met the most incredible people, beautiful people born on the islands and many from varied nations that make up our rich ex-pat community. The ex-pats are particularly special to me as we are all in the same boat, so to speak, in that we are looking for community which makes us available on Christmas or Easter, a brunch or a barbecue as we don’t have family on the Island. We become that for each other: celebrators, listening ears and extra hands. We are Island Family.
Cons: It is a very transient place for ex-pats so you are always saying a heart wrenching farewell to one or more of these Island family members. And of course, we all miss our families/friends back home. I know I do.
Answer: One of the main problems the keeps them from full utilization is that they don't have enough money and or resources as you said to use.
Hand in hand, we stood in the line for our amusement park tickets. The line seemed to go on forever. I waited impatiently, bouncing on the balls of my feet. At long last, mother handed me my pass. Then she took my hand in hers, and off we went toward the house of mirrors.